Open Positions
We would love to recruit a postdoc to join our team
your CV, letter of inquiry and 3 references. I'll set up an interview!.
​We have open projects and five years of unrestricted funding.
We have several projects that are mid-completion and are likely to result in high-impact papers:
1. Whole brain dynamical analysis of sleep with the beginnings of replay during sleep - collaboration with Dr Brendon Watson U. Michigan.
2. Evidence that as worms age, they lose the ability to form memory (in just 24 hours!)- we have funding to look at the cellular and molecular processes that drive these changes in aging.
3. We have funds to discover the dynamic molecular processes that shape synapses and how specific synapses are sculpted in sleep.
Farther in the future:
We are deeply interested in analyzing how the simple worm brain commits an experience to memory and then collaborating with physicists and computer scientists to model this and use for inspiration for new artificial neural network geometries.
UCSF resources for postdocs:
UCSF Postdocs are unionized and salaries . see her for more -https://postdocs.ucsf.edu/pay-and-benefits.
UCSF has an Office for Postdoctoral Scholars which is your portal to details. They also have been very helpful by providing recourses for faculty or industry jobs after your postdoc and during your postdoc, they offer professional and health including disability and mental health support.
If you live in SF and have a child, you can receive help paying for child care.